Iranian Appetizers: Lentil Soup, an Iron Rich Stew

  November 11, 2020   Read time 1 min
Iranian Appetizers: Lentil Soup, an Iron Rich Stew
Iranians use grains in most of their dishes as they traditionally know that how vital is these significant nutritional elements for their health. Lentil is magnificent and it is a rich source of an excellent source of B vitamins, iron, magnesium, potassium and zinc. Lentil soup is regularly cooked by Persian women even for breakfast.

Vegans worldwide love almost all types of grainbased soups and stews. Lentil is a special type of grain. Its richness in terms of vitamins and minerals provides it with specific status. Lentil soup in Iran is so popular as a starter dish and many prefer to have it in breakfast and even for the evening meal. Sportsmen and sportswomen are recommended to regularly eat a bowl of lentil stew everyday. This shows the richness and power of this wonderful soup.

# Dice onion, carrot, and celery and saute in 2 tablespoons of olive oil until onion becomes translucent. I used red onions here as I ran out of white ones. But there is no difference as far as which you choose to use.

# Wash lentils until water runs clear.

# Add garlic, turmeric and coriander to the sautéed vegetables. Continue cooking for about 3 minutes while stirring.

# Add lentils to the pot.

# Add vegetable broth, cover, and simmer for 45 minutes on medium low. Then season with salt and pepper and continue cooking for 15 minutes longer.

#Turn off heat and with a hand blender roughly puree the soup making sure that the vegetables are pureed. I like a rough puree for this soup as having some whole pieces of lentils in each spoonful gives it a bit of body and texture.

# Combine remaining 2 tablespoons of olive oil and cumin seeds and warm on medium heat. As soon as the seeds/oil begin to sizzle and the aroma of the cumin rises turn off the heat.

# Ladle soup in bowls and add 1 teaspoon of the oil and cumin seed mixture on top of each bowl. Serve soup with wedges of lemon and toasted pita bread.


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