Islamic Government: Leading the Society Based on Prophecy

  November 05, 2020   Read time 1 min
Islamic Government: Leading the Society Based on Prophecy
Islamic Republic of Iran is formed based on the ideas, thoughts and traditions of Prophet Mohammad and Koran. Imam Khomeini has clearly articulated this fact in his masterpiece on the Guardianship of the Jurist. Every political and social institution in Islamic Republic has an underlying mission that is supposed to lead the people to prosperity.

Imam Khomeini, "Islamic Government: Guardianship of the Jurist", "A body of laws alone is not sufficient for a society to be reformed. In order for law to ensure the reform and happiness of man, there must be an executive power and an executor. For this reason, God Almighty, in addition to revealing a body of law (i.e., the ordinances of the sharī‘ah), has laid down a particular form of government together with executive and administrative institution.The Most Noble Messenger headed the executive and administrative institutions of Muslim society. In addition to conveying the revelation and expounding and interpreting the articles of faith and the ordinances and institutions of Islam, he undertook the implementation of law and the establishment of the ordinances of Islam, thereby, bringing into being the Islamic state. He did not content himself with the promulgation of law; rather, he implemented it at the same time, cutting off hands and administering lashings, and stonings. After the Most Noble Messenger, his successor had the same duty and function. When the Prophet appointed a successor, it was not only for the purpose of expounding articles of faith and law; it was for the implementation of law and the execution of God’s ordinances. It was this function the execution of law and the establishment of Islamic institutions that made the appointment of a successor such an important matter that the Prophet would have failed to fulfill his mission if he had neglected it. For after the Prophet, the Muslims still needed someone to execute laws and establish the institution of Islam in society, so that they might attain happiness in this world and the hereafter."


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