Leader: Iran Navy’s progress since 1979 revolution ‘unbelievable, remarkable’

  November 28, 2023   News ID 7118
Leader: Iran Navy’s progress since 1979 revolution ‘unbelievable, remarkable’
SAEDNEWS: Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has hailed achievements made by the Islamic Republic of Iran Navy after the 1979 Islamic Revolution as “remarkable and unbelievable.”

SAEDNEWS: Ayatollah Khamenei made the remarks during a meeting a group of Navy commanders and officials on Tuesday, on the occasion of the Iranian Navy Day.

“In the first years after the Revolution, the presence of the Islamic Republic of Iran Navy beyond territorial waters was unimaginable, but now the Navy makes a 360-degrees voyage around the globe powerfully and strongly and returns to the country with pride.”


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