Milad Hatami: A Standup Comedian and Presenter or a Phony Entrepreneur Thug? 

  March 11, 2021   News ID 2214
Milad Hatami: A Standup Comedian and Presenter or a Phony Entrepreneur Thug? 
Today thanks to the domination of money and power, it is not difficult to make a fake identity for yourself even in global level. Milad Hatami is a good example for this claim.

Was Milad Hatami a True Online Entrepreneur?

Today thanks to the domination of money and power, it is not difficult to make a fake identity for yourself even in global level. Milad Hatami is a good example for this claim. The following is the identity he has mad of himself in western media relying on his money nad power:

Milad Hatami is a famous Iranian Instagram personality. He is a young millionaire with huge followers on the Internet. Let us know the inspiring journey of Milad Hatami as a prominent entrepreneur.

The Success Story of Milad Hatami
Hatami lived an ordinary life with his family in Tehran. He was fond of playing football. He represented various teams in his childhood. However, he could not continue playing football due to the lack of financial resources. He was a hard worker since his childhood. He was enforced to work due to the financial crisis during his student life. He opened an exchange center at the Ferdowsi mall when he was only 18 years old. He completed his studies in computer science after moving to Kish Island. He worked in the tourism industry in Kish. He uploaded a video on Instagram when he was in Kish Island. The title of his video that went viral on Instagram was M.R Coach. After getting a splendid response, he started conducting comedy shows on Instagram. His funny things earned him a huge number of followers on this social media platform. Now, he is a young and prominent millionaire. He considers his hardworking habits a mega reason behind his success. He earned fame and money from his startups and internet businesses.
But the reality is this: Milad Hatami is an online criminal who has decieved hundres of thousand teenagers in Iran through betting and online gambling. He has abused their minds and souls via his immoral images. Many Iranian teenagers have been systematically abused by this online thug. He is a true Satan.

A Standup Comedian and Presenter or a Phony Entrepreneur Thug?
Milad Hatami has now become a renowned standup comedian and presenter at the global level. His comedy style is based on improvisation satire. He always remains equipped with various jokes, touches of humor, and satires during his performance. He does not use written notes to perform in front of his audience. The audience can easily comprehend his content as it always has a public aspect. Once, he had nothing and he was compelled to work during his studies. Now, he is a young millionaire after working hard in his life since his early childhood. He is a true inspiration for all young entrepreneurs.

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