Resistance Front is one of the leading political and social fronts of the twenty first century. Oppressors, tyrants and despots of the world and the Great Satan feel insecure because of the sincere activities of the Resistance Front. Resistance Front is composed of devoted soldiers and commanders who believe in Islamic message of revelation to the bottom of their hearts. Martyrs like Martyr Qassem Soleimani are elites and devoted Muslim citizens who serve as examples for millions of the oppressed people who suffer from the tyrannies and oppressions of the power-wielders. Imam Khomeini was always proud of these devoted people and would say "today we see that the Iranian nation, including the armed forces and the military men and the Sepah [Islamic Revolution's Guards Corps-IRGC] and Basij [the Mobilized] and populist forces of tribes and of other volunteers are performing acts of self-sacrifice at the war fronts and that the people behind the fronts are doing the same with the utmost enthusiasm and create epics, and we see our respectable people throughout the country giving liberal contributions to the national effort. We also see that the bereaved families who have lost their relatives at the battlefronts and the relatives of wounded veterans say only encouraging words to us with fervor and confidence, which is evidence of their love of and their faith in God and Islam and the Hereafter, despite the fact that they are living neither at the time of His Holiness the Greatest Prophet (S.A.W.), nor at the time of Infallible Imam."